Internal Communications Associate

£50k – £67k per annum

Job Details:

We’re building artificial intelligence capable of complex driving using end-to-end deep learning; one which can scale across diverse urban environments. Wayve is building a full driving software system which is data-driven at every layer, learning to drive. Our unique end-to-end machine learning approach learns to drive in complex, never-seen-before urban environments. We learn to drive with computer vision by both observing human driving, and by using reinforcement learning. This is one of the world’s hardest and most impactful problems to solve. Which is why we’re building a diverse, world-class team of people who are motivated by the opportunity to work with brilliant people on challenging problems that leave a positive impact on society.

Our aim is to be the future of self-driving cars: the first to deploy in 100 cities across the world bringing autonomy to everyone, everywhere.

Impact expected

As an Internal Communications Associate at Wayve, you will be responsible for ensuring clear, effective, and strategic communication within our fast-paced organisation. You will craft compelling messages, manage communication projects, and liaise with managers to keep our team informed and enthusiastic about the company’s growth and progress. Additionally, you will support day-to-day internal communications, provide insights to support decision-making and change management and reinforce our company culture.

Challenges you will own

  • Develop and execute internal communication plans for consistent and clear messaging.
  • Write, design, edit, and distribute internal communications (newsletters, emails, updates, presentations)
  • Collaborate with Marketing Director, VP of People, and senior management on key messages and communicate them effectively to staff
  • Manage multiple communication projects simultaneously, ensuring timely completion and high-quality output.
  • Oversee internal communication channels (wiki, email, signage, Slack) for prompt and consistent information sharing.
  • Organise and coordinate events (town halls, team meetings, and special events) to foster engagement and knowledge-sharing
  • Measure the effectiveness of internal communications and make data-driven recommendations.
  • Provide communications support and assist in message alignment for various departments.
  • Stay informed of industry trends in AI and autonomous vehicles and internal communication best practices.

What you will bring:

We seek a candidate who combines strong communication and strategic planning skills with high empathy, creativity, and a deep understanding of organisational dynamics.


  • 3+ years of experience in internal communications, corporate communications, or marketing (preferably in tech or science-driven organisations)
  • Highly motivated, creative, and thrives in fast-paced environments
  • Proven track record of strong writing and verbal communication skills, adept at developing concise, strategic and compelling messaging
  • Reliable with strong project management skills, demonstrated ability to deliver high-quality work within tight deadlines
  • Good foundational knowledge and experience managing communication channels (intranets, newsletters, slack, wikis)
  • Demonstrated ability to introduce creative ideas for employee engagement and culture-building
  • Insightful and empathetic, anticipating target audience needs, questions and issues
  • Design-oriented with a keen eye for visually appealing messaging
  • Technically proficient in basic graphic design and video editing software/tools
  • Collaborative team player, building relationships and enjoying collaboration
  • Outgoing and energetic personality with the ability to motivate and inspire employees
  • Passionate about innovation, AI, and contributing to the field of artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles


  • Proactive problem-solver with a strong track record of driving initiatives forward even in ambiguity
  • Familiarity with AI and machine learning concepts
  • Prior experience building a communications program at a growing company
  • Ability and interest to support brand marketing, executive thought leadership, PR, social media, and blog/website content as a versatile marketer
  • Bachelor’s degree in Communications, Marketing, PR, Journalism, or a related field
Job Category: Others
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: London

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