Job Details:
We’ll need these details in order to be able to contact you.
Personal Summary Use it to tell us a little more about yourself.
3. Questions
Do you require a visa/sponsorship? Yes No
Notice Period:
Salary Expectations:
What are your hybrid working expectations? We currently operate a hybrid working policy.
Why are you interested in working for Freetrade?
Diversity and Inclusion In an effort to promote equal opportunities and reinforce hiring practices at our organisation we have included below some optional demographic questions. Your responses, or your choice not to respond, is entirely anonymous and will not be associated with your application.
Please indicate what gender you identify as Please Select
Please indicate your ethnic origin Please Select
Sexual Orientation – Please indicate which of the following options you consider yourself to be Please Select
What is your age? Please Select
According to the definition of disability do you consider yourself to have a disability? Please Select
Preferred Pronouns Please Select
In order to contact you with future jobs that you may be interested in, we need to store your personal data.
If you are happy for us to do so please click the checkbox below.
Allow us to process your personal information.