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7 Signs You’re About to Be Fired: Key Indicators to Watch Out For

Companies worldwide exist to accomplish different missions and meet their goals; they recruit people to work for them. Working and getting a job are enjoyable. However, no one likes the feeling of uncertainty at work, especially when the feeling of being fired starts creeping in.

The situation where you begin to feel uncertain about your job security is one that most employees hope to avoid. The truth is, if you eventually are fired, it did not just happen in the blink of an eye. There were subtle and not-so-subtle signs that your termination was around the corner. 

In “7 Signs You’re About to Be Fired: Key Indicators to Watch Out For”, we will explore critical signs that you may be at risk of being fired. This article will also offer tips on handling and responding to the situation effectively.

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What Does it Mean to be Fired? – 7 Signs You’re About to Be Fired

Before we talk about the signs that indicate that you are about to be fired, let’s explain what it means to be fired. You being fired can be due to varying reasons. People get fired for different reasons, sometimes due to an unfavourable economic state.

To be fired means that your employer is unsatisfied with some aspect of your work performance behaviour. It can come as a shock, but most times, clear signs are pointing to the event of being fired. It would be best if you spotted these signs because they allow you the opportunity to rectify the situation or prepare for your transition to a new work environment.

Now that we have established what it means to be fired, let’s examine the seven signs you are about to be fired. 

#1. Your workload decreases

One thing that usually happens when you are about to lose your role at a firm or company is that your workload begins to reduce. It’s a picture you can easily paint in your head. Imagine staying in your workplace for the entire day and not being assigned close to half what you used to when you started at the company.

Most companies start with reducing how much they give you to handle. When the company’s management reduces your workload, it may be a sign that your supposed workload is being distributed to your colleagues. It is more like the workforce is preparing for your exit.

#2. Being excluded from essential meetings

It is one thing to be excluded from a team lunch, but it is more concerning to be excluded from essential gatherings where core decisions are made. It, most of the time, throws you off. If you used to be included in meetings revolving around the formulation of strategy or board briefings, and now it seems to have changed, it means your input is no longer valued as it used to.

#3. Your boss stops communicating with you

Communication is one of the core things in every workplace. Without communicating, you cannot understand what your employer wants. When communication with your boss changes from what it used to be to something cold or worse, you may be in trouble. The change in the flow of communication might be a sign that your boss/employer/manager is no longer interested in his/her working relationship with you.

#4. Receiving poor performance reviews

Everyone who creates value or offers service always wants to know how well they perform. A review is often a reflection of your standing within the company, and when it takes a sharp turn from positive to negative, you should be concerned.

When you receive multiple negative reviews, it may mean that your employer is building a case for your dismissal. There are times when companies use performance reviews as documentation to justify firing someone. Sometimes, these reviews come with little to no explanation. If this happens to you, it’s a sign that your job may even be at risk.

#5. You’re asked to train someone else

When you are asked to train another employee, especially in tasks that you are currently responsible for, it can mean that the company is preparing to replace you. Teaching someone to do your job suggests that the company plans to move you up or lay you off.

When this happens, it can be particularly alarming, especially when you know that the case isn’t that the company is planning to move you up to a different position. 

7 Signs You’re About to Be Fired

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#6. You’re given unattainable goals

Not all goals are SMART. If your boss has started assigning you tasks or projects with unrealistic deadlines, he’s setting you up for failure. This tactic is sometimes used to justify the firing of an employee. Most of these unattainable goals are subtle, not profound, but are often clear once they start piling up. If you are behind and stressed, your employer may be positioning you for failure.

#7. Increased documentation of your mistakes

There are scenarios when your minor mistakes become significant issues or when your employer starts taking note of every error. It is a red flag, and they often do this to build a case for your termination. The end goal is to justify their action of firing you.

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How to Respond to the Situation 

Now that we have covered the signs, you need to know how to respond if you are in this situation. Here are some ways to respond to the recognised signs:

1. Maintain focus and calmness: You must stay calm and focused on improving your performance where necessary. If you react with emotions, you might cancel out the chance of rectifying the situation.

2. Always seek constructive feedback: You should ask your manager for direct and actionable feedback. When you do so, it shows that you are committed to improvement.

3. Update Your Resume and Network: If the situation doesn’t improve, start preparing for your next move. Update your resume and LinkedIn profile, and begin networking within your industry

4. Explore Internal Opportunities: If you think your current role is at risk, consider exploring other positions within the company. Sometimes, a shift in roles can prevent termination.

5. Financial Preparation: Ensure that your finances are in order. Build an emergency fund to prepare for the possibility of sudden unemployment.

Wrapping Up: 7 Signs You’re About to Be Fired: Key Indicators to Watch Out For

Employees experience some pain when fired, and being fired is never easy. However, there are signs that help you to know what is coming. By recognising these seven signs, you can take steps to improve your situation or prepare for the next phase of your career. 

It is not just about avoiding termination. Remember, it is about being in control of your professional journey. Even if your current job is not the right fit for you, recognising the signs will help you pivot towards new opportunities in time.

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